How to Astral Project: A Step-by-Step Guide
Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Is the face staring back at you really you? That face changes a little every day—so is it truly you? Are you nothing more than your physical body? The answer is no. Just as your life is not defined solely by the things that bring you joy or sorrow, your existence is not confined to this single body. This body is merely one of many shells across your countless reincarnations. You are more than what you see. You are something far greater—something divine.
To grasp the concept of astral projection, you must first understand yourself. A good place to start is by familiarizing yourself with the five fundamental bodies that shape your spiritual journey. I will briefly introduce them here, but each of these topics deserves in-depth exploration, which I will cover in future writings.
The Five Fundamental Bodies:
- Physical Body: The tangible form we perceive through our senses. It interacts with the physical world, moves, eats, and sustains itself.
- Etheric Body: The energetic layer closest to the physical body. Illnesses manifest here before appearing in the physical realm. This is often referred to as the aura.
- Astral Body: The vessel used for spiritual journeys. It exists at a different vibrational level than the physical body and allows conscious travel in the astral plane.
- Mental Body: Governs our thoughts and energy field. It plays a role in telepathic experiences and healing practices.
- Spiritual Body: The core essence of who we are, connected to the universal consciousness. It is the foundation of our spiritual evolution, and astral travel is a key step in this journey.
Understanding the Nature of Astral Travel
The astral plane is a reflection of the physical world, though not an exact replica. During astral projection, you cannot physically touch objects or directly influence the material world. However, you may sense other energetic beings or fellow astral travelers.
Time and space function differently in the astral realm. You may find yourself journeying to different dimensions or communicating with various entities. It is important to note, however, that directly connecting with spirits who have long left the physical world is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
A Step-by-Step Guide
My first astral projection happened completely out of my control. I didn’t understand what was happening, nor could I fully grasp the experience. But I knew it was something extraordinary. That first experience left me longing to do it again. However, despite my efforts, it took me over a year to achieve my second astral projection. Fortunately, after that, it became progressively easier. Yet, I must admit that I am currently going through a period where astral projection has become more difficult for me. Sharing my experiences, both here and in person, has contributed to this difficulty. But it is worth it. My goal is to help others awaken, and if my experiences serve as guidance for someone searching for answers, I cannot stop sharing them.
Here are some steps based on my personal experiences that might help you on your own journey:
1. Detox Your Body
I am a vegetarian, and I avoid animal products as much as possible. If your health allows, I recommend trying a vegetarian diet for at least a couple of weeks before attempting astral projection. Even if you enjoy eating animal-based foods, consider temporarily avoiding them. In addition, refrain from indulging in physical pleasures, no matter how small. The idea is to detach yourself from bodily distractions as much as possible.
2. Genuinely Want It
This is not an easy process. You may fail many times before succeeding. But persistence is key. If you truly desire to experience astral travel, send your intention out into the universe. Never give up.
3. Achieve a Peaceful Sleep State
Detach yourself from worldly concerns as much as possible. I know this is difficult—especially when many people struggle with financial worries or jobs they dislike. And I sincerely apologize if this advice sounds privileged. But it is necessary. The troubles you face today will pass, just like those that plagued you ten years ago. They may have been replaced with new ones, but nothing is permanent. Train yourself to believe that these problems are not greater than you. You need to free yourself from them to astral project.
Additionally, learn to control your sleep. You should be able to wake up and fall back asleep at will. To practice this, set an alarm in the middle of the night, wake up, stay awake for half an hour, then go back to sleep. This will help you gain some control over your sleep cycle.
4. Exhaust Your Physical Body
A tired body makes it easier to control the astral body. After a long and active day, you may find yourself in an ideal state for astral projection. However, always listen to your body—do not push yourself beyond healthy limits.
5. Feel the Vibrations
Before astral projection begins, you may feel vibrations and a wave-like sensation throughout your body. Do not panic—this is a natural part of the process.
6. Let Go and Exit
As your physical body drifts into sleep, allow your mind to remain conscious. You might feel as though you are being pulled by an invisible thread. The moment you feel weightless, your astral body is ready to move. This is the critical moment. You need strong willpower. Do not be afraid. If fear overtakes you, you may never be able to project again. Trust yourself. Surrender, and you will find yourself in a realm beyond imagination. The universe’s secrets will unfold before you. Depending on your spiritual level, you may even be able to travel not only through space but also through time—to observe past moments as if they were happening before your eyes. Of course, not every astral traveler can achieve this, but perhaps you can.

I know astral projection is difficult and exhausting. It requires an unshakable will and patience. But no matter what, it is worth it. The spiritual fulfillment and knowledge you can gain go far beyond any physical pleasure. Once you experience it, everything in this world will seem so much smaller.
In my next post, I will discuss the precautions you should take during astral travel. Later, I will share some of my personal experiences—stories I probably shouldn’t reveal, but if they help even one person awaken, then it will be worth it.